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Wet Weather Notifications
Wet weather notifications will be posted on the ERNA Facebook Page or ERNA website.
Wednesday Training
5-6pm Comets 14 (Ashleah) Court 21
6-7pm Comets 10 (Elaine) Court 23
7-8pm Comets 2 & Comets 3 (Greg) Courts 10 &11,
Comets 8 (Peter) Court 8
& Comets 9 (Court 9)
Thursday Training
5-6pm Comets 13 ( Alex & Emily)
6-7pm Comets 4 (Ali) & Comets 5 (Elen) Court 19
6-7pm Comets 11 (Julia) Court 1
& Comets 12 (Billie) Court 8
7-8pm Comets 6(April) Court 1
& Comets 7 (Rachel) Court 8

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Coaching in the 2025 Season

posted March 7, 2025 by Greg Collins - viewed 34 times

Calling all coaches wishing to coach a Comets team in 2025.

Please email me at with your details (including team preference and qualifications should you have any) and we will work through what teams we have and how best to facilitate your request.

Regarding qualifications, we would like you to have a minimum of Foundation level which we can assist with. Foundation gives you a great platform on which to build. 

More than happy to have 2 coaches per team, (particularly in the junior teams).

Please respond at your earliest opportunity as the season is fast approaching (1st round is March 29th) and we would like each team to have at least 2 training sessions completed prior to the season commencement. 



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