Useful Information

Wet Weather Notifications
Wet weather notifications will be posted on the ERNA Facebook Page or ERNA website.
Wednesday Training
5-6pm Comets 14 (Ashleah) Court 21
6-7pm Comets 10 (Elaine)
7-8pm Comets 2,Comets 3,Comets 8 (Peter) & Comets 9
Thursday training
5-6pm Comets 13 ( Alex & Emily)
6-7pm Comets 4 (Ali) & Comets 5 (Elen) Court 19
6-7pm Comets 11 (Julia) & Comets 12 (Billie)
7-8pm Comets 6 (April) & Comets 7 (Rachel)

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